“Poushosh” Collages are totally and fundamentally conceptual. For their creation is based on mere idea and concept. And technique and material are the secondary elements in them not the main. Some of the chosen material such as extracts from fashion journals would be ruined or forgotten if they weren’t used in these collections. But this collage revived them, reanimated them with a new life and function. Above all they have helped the artist and the artist has helped them.
“Poushosh” Collages are totally and fundamentally conceptual. For their creation is based on mere idea and concept. And technique and material are the secondary elements in them not the main. Some of the chosen material such as extracts from fashion journals would be ruined or forgotten if they weren’t used in these collections. But this collage revived them, reanimated them with a new life and function. Above all they have helped the artist and the artist has helped them.
title. Scion
by Farshido Hessam*
a part of pocket memories project.
presented at Fronfeste Museum, Austria
In the picture is a scion seen in a flower pot. The plants have their natural environment in which they grow up. As far as this environment changes, they must follow this change accordingly. The adaptation varies depending on the plant and the environment. It is not just the people who need a permit (visa) when moving from one part of the world to the other, even animals and plants need permissions and can not freely choose where they want to live. The scion is from Iran and lives in the geographical area of Europe, in this climate and absorbs European water from European soil.
Auf Das Bild ist ein Spross zu sehen der in einen Blumen Topf ist. Die Pflanzen haben Ihre natürlichen Umgebung in den sie aufwachsen. So fern diese Umgebung sich ändert müssen sie sich diese Änderung dementsprechend folgen. Die Anpassung ist je nach Pflanze und Umgebung Unterschiedlich. Es sind nicht nur die Menschen die, einen Erlaubnis (Visum) benötigen wenn sie von einen teil der Welt in das andere sich bewegen, selbst Tiere und Pflanzen benötigen Erlaubnisse und können nicht frei aussuchen wo sie leben wollen. Das Spross ist aus dem Iran und lebt im geografischen Raum von Europa, in diesen Luft und trinkt europäisches Wasser aus Europäischen Erde.
*Farshido in collaboration with Hessam Samavatian